Friday, September 13, 2013

tobacco is a cause of poverty that must be stopped

Tobacco is an economic threat to individuals, countries and the world. Tobacco use is higher among the poor. Due to the tobacco-related diseases, the poor cannot spend their meager income on food, shelter, education and health care.

The poor continue to lose while tobacco companies reap enormous profits from year to year and they have an explicit strategy to increase sales in the poorest parts of the world.
The post 2015 development agenda aims to eradicate poverty around the world. Tobacco use kills and impacts more people in low-income countries than rich countries, therefore , it impedes progress towards reducing poverty.
In Myanmar , one can get one packet of cigarette in less than one us dollar and more than half of the country population are smoking too much including the children. Therefore, Myanmar, a resource-rich country, will not be able to get out of the poverty mud depriving man power and costing too much in the unnecessary sectors due to smoking-related diseases.
Sources--ASH organization , USA
The poor child from Myanmar

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