Tuesday, August 13, 2013

journalist Maung Wan Tha died with lung cancer in Myanmar

Myanmar has a population of 60 million and 70% of the people live in the villages while 30% of the people live in towns.Therefore, 18 million people live in cities and towns while 42 million people live in the villages. In the villages in Myanmar, Both males and females smoke apart from the children who are under 12 years old. Therefore, 32 million people who live in the villages smoke and in the cities and towns, 50% of Males smoke apart from the females. Therefore, 8 million people who live in cities and towns smoke. Therefore 40 million people in Myanmar are smoking.Therefore, estimated 66% of Myanmar people are smoking. Myanmar is potential to push for the youths to be smokers unless the advocacy campaign is launched because tobacco companies eye for Myanmar and the price of cigarettes is very cheap as well. Myanmar is the second most cancer-caused country in the world. Recently, the journalist Maung Wan Tha died with lung cancer  at the age of 69.The death of the journalist Maung Wan Tha is a big loss of the country in the democracy transition.

The writer Min Lu was dead with lung cancer in Myanmar
This is the deceased Min Lu and his beloved daughter


Journalist Maung Wan Tha who died with lung cancer

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